Portfolio Management skill development for traders

Portfolio Management : at the core of the Trading Training Course

Gestion de portefeuille, Formation de trading, CIT

What is Portfolio Management ?

The current financial model is based on returns of asset portfolios, managed by Traders, though Portfolio Management can occur in numerous ways, as explained in one of our recent publications.

This is the core of finance, which will be a guiding focus from the first days in the CIT Trading Room, so that students can quickly become familiar with these basics. In effect, all concepts that follow will be founded on this discipline: technical trading analysis, choice of a systematic or discretionary trading system… It is not a question of simply calculating the received returns, but rather to predict, analyze and measure. Several methods exist, which evaluate desired gains on a portfolio according to its volatility and risk. Tools are available to investors, and they must be mastered while working in a Trading Room, as they are at the base of management skills.

A more theoretical approach is based on the study of rules determined by states and international institutions that surround this form of management. These laws, which are becoming stricter are stricter, absolutely must be taken into account by CIT students, in order to follow a responsible and consistent code of financial conduct.

Objectifs de l'étude de la compétence

  •  Understand modern financial models
  • Acquire risk evaluation methods : The Sharpe, Treynor and Jenson ratio
  • Know how to use tools of risk management :
    • Volatility and standard deviation
    • Covariance and Variance
    • Correlation
    • Beta
    • Value at Risk
  • Differentiate and evaluate interest in different management styles :
    • Active and passive management
    • Traditional and alternative management
  • Predict Gains and losses with the Kelly formula, a tool of money management

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La Russie a connu depuis début décembre la plus grande crise monétaire et économique de ce siècle. La chute du rouble brutale rappelle des souvenirs de la fin de la guerre froide.

Demandez à n’importe quel trader, qu’il soit employé par une banque, professionnel en Bourse ou amateur réalisant ses trades à domicile et il vous le dira : le métier n’est pas de tout repos.

Yahoo, mort et enterré ? Au début des années 2010, il est vrai que la situation n’était pas brillante pour la firme californienne.

Sésame, ouvre-toi ! Et après avoir tué les 40 voleurs et vengé la mort de son frère, Ali Baba vécut heureux entouré de sa famille, jouissant de la propriété de l’énorme trésor dont il était le seul à connaître l’existence.

C’est une grande première sur les marchés financiers, et elle fait du bruit : le cours moyen du baril de Brent brut sur 5 ans est désormais exprimé sur 3 chiffres.


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