The TAGE MAGE test, part of the Become a Trader program

The TAGE MAGE test, part of the Become a Trader program

Your choice of exams

The TAGE MAGE is a classic test in France, which evaluates the potential of students in management courses, and, more precisely, it measures their skills in problem solving, logical reasoning, and mathematics, as well as their ability to understand numeric data. This is test used by dozens of schools in commerce and administration.

Our trading school uses it as a condition for diploma reception, because it is very well known by recruiters in France.  The TAGE MAGE reinforces the excellence of our training course and diploma.  In choosing one of our students, recruiters have certainty that they have chosen an excellent candidate who carries all of the skills necessary for the job. 

The CIT’s students have the choice of taking the TAGE MAGE or the GMAT, a similar exam.

Exam details

An independent and professional jury organizes two TAGE MAGE sessions per year. This test is presented in a multiple-choice format of 90 questions, separated into six sections according to the tested skills.  The test lasts for two and a half hours.  The TAGE MAGE is primarily for students entering into a master’s program, in order to verify that they have the required skills for the program.  The multiple-choice format tends to hide difficult and misleading questions.  In order to assist its students, the CIT provides them with access to an online platform, as well as a manual that includes multiple past exams and practical guidance. A reference work published by the CIT will be available at the beginning of the school year for students.

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