The GMAT, the business world’s reference exam

The GMAT, the business world’s reference exam

A classic and renowned exam

The Graduate Management Admission Test forms a fundamental part of the Become a Trader program, and passing it is a necessary step in receiving the CIT diploma. It is a standardized test, given in English, and used in numerous schools of management, commerce and finance throughout the world. It serves as an evaluation of basic skills essential to management for students in many institutions. Since its creation in the mid twentieth century, this international test has measured and compared the skill levels of students hoping to enter into an MBA based solely on skill, and not necessarily on motivation. 

Our trading school uses it as a condition for the reception of the final diploma, because it is highly demanded by recruiters in finance. The GMAT reinforces the excellence of our training course and diploma.  In choosing one of our students, recruiters have certainty that they have chosen an excellent candidate who carries all of the skills necessary for the job. 

The CIT’s students may choose to take the GMAT or the TAGE MAGE, another similar exam.

Examination Proceedings

The exam takes place on a computer, in limited time. It is therefore recommended that students prepare themselves on the GMAT software, as well as with the preparation work prepared by the CIT.  The test is composed of three independent sections:

  • Analytical Writing Assessment: analysis of a problem, an argument, then two questions that take 30 minutes each.
  • Quantitative: 37 questions with 75 minutes of response time, in diverse subjects of algebra, arithmetic, etc…
  • Verbal: 41 questions with 75 minutes of response time. The questions are based on human disciplines such as the social sciences, economic, Human Resource management, etc…

GMAT scores are sent out 20 days after the exam is taken, with the grading scale from 200-800 points.  At the Californian Institute of Trading, the required results are just below those set for entry into the most prestigious MBA programs, such as that of Harvard’s: a minimum score of 600 points is required.

Ouvrage de préparation fourni par le CIT :

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